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EPICS -  the web platform

EPICS, European Projects In Co-work Space, is designed to facilitate access to European Programs and manage the participation of the partners in building of the proposal.

“People working together to generate ideas and action for change”: the principle of participation – the active involvement and empowerment of stakeholders – is the core of all our work.

The participatory approach involves: sharing of knowledge and experience; recognising and encompassing different perspectives; working in teams on practical tasks; the use of visualisation and analytical tools; an open-ended creative learning process; the development of shared understanding; the capacity for reflection and self-assessment.

We are working on the promotion of a web platform to support Participatory Project Planning Approach, especially in the phase of identification, analysis and design of projects. 

We want to share this innovative and effective digital tool, addressing both to project managers and people who are part of associations, public and private organizations, universities, Ngo’s.

In a few words, we are working for those who want to explore the possibility of projecting their own initiatives in a shared context, using digital participatory approaches.

Are you a European Project manager?

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We are interested to know you! Our web platform is useful to support social planners, designers and professionals from different areas interested in building community-based projects at national, European and international levels.

Have you got an idea?

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We are available for your ideas! If you want to know if there are possibilities for funding and / or participating in transnational projects, please fill the form, we will contact you in a few days!