free web page maker

Skills & experience

" Some of the most driven people in the world spend their lives honing the skills they possess. Sharpening and sharpening until those skills become truly useful tools that can change the world around them for the better.
Even more useful than skills, however, is general capability. Being capable means that one is able to make things work. It means that if something needs to be done, it gets done, regardless of whether the person responsible for it has the necessary skill to do so at first. That skill is learned, because it needs to be.
Skills can be trained and made into textbooks and tutorials, but being capable requires unpredictable life experience..
It’s important to work hard and learn new skills any chance you get, but don’t neglect becoming more capable along the way. It may not be a structured climb, but it’s certainly a valuable one "


Our “Solution Lab”

Strong software engineering knowledge, developed since 1983 thanks to important collaborations (Aldus Corporation, Adobe Systems, IBM):
- Database design and development 
- Systems Integration
- Web development (PHP, JS, HTML5, CSS3, AngularJS)
- App development (iOS, Android)
- Progressive Web Apps.

Project Management

Partnerships, planning, design

More than ten years of experience in Project Management and training planning.
Deep knowledge of public and private sectors, international cooperation and Project Cycle Management.
Specific experience in drafting European projects relating to 2007-2013 and 2014-2020 programming periods.
Context analysis skills, budgeting and experience in tools, methodologies and criteria of implementation, monitoring and evaluation.

European Project

Concepts, analysis and planning

Strong experience in Participatory Planning Approaches.
The area is working on promotion and test of a (EPIC) web platform to support Project Cycle Management, especially in the phase of analysis, planning and design of participatory projects helping external partners and businesses in European applications and planning,..not only on the Citywest Campus in Dublin, but at European level.


Disseminations of results, raising awareness

Developing communications strategies to promote our “technology offer profile” and our project participations at a national and European level. Activities include: advertising, media planning, media/public relations, web communications and social media (Facebook, Twitter, Linkedin…).